AMA with AscenDEX Community

7 min readFeb 14, 2022


Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Today we’re really glad to be joined by Carmelo Milian, @POLCDEV, DEV/CEO at PolkaCity to share a ton of insights about the project! Everyone please welcome!

Carmelo | Polkacity
Thanks, Mary, I am so happy to be here!

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Great! I will start the AMA with some of my questions and after, we will open the floor to let our community ask questions.
Hi, Carmelo, for those that are not familiar, can you briefly describe Polkacity, and what problems you are aiming to solve?

Carmelo | Polkacity
Polka City is a video game with its full economy, Where all game assets are NFTs. Think of GTA/SIMS without the violence, a place where you will come to socialize and earn money.
A true Metaverse where many other universes will interconnect.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
How does the POLC token function within the platform and why is it needed?

Carmelo | Polkacity
POLC is very essential for Polka City
You do need POLC to buy our NFTs and it is also the main form of payment for APY and In-Game earnings.
Our partners are also integrating POLC in their platforms to support and be able to be part of the Polka City economy.
An example of this is Trustvibes, Where you will be able to pay for NFT music with POLC.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Appreciate the clear explanation.
Could you share the development status and progress of the project thus far? Including the major partners and perhaps some operational data.

Carmelo | Polkacity
We are currently at Beta. Our beta is offering the basic experience of avatar creation, driving some of the vehicles, going to Discos, and watching life streamings, and in the latest update, we just integrated the Art Gallery, where our citizens are able to submit their own art to be sold as NFTs.
Some of our Major partners are Baron Davis, who will be integrating his universe into polka city for live Clubs, Gaming, etc. Trustvibes, with what we call the iTunes killer, we are aiming to deliver Virtual recording studios for artists to create full NFT based albums and an APP where you will be able to listen to the music and trade songs (NFTS)
BLockchainPR will offer marketing services in the Metaverse, Adshares for banners, etc etc etc
too many to mention all 🙂

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Very impressive.
Who will the users/clients be on your projects and what are some examples of use cases for them?

Carmelo | Polkacity
Thanks, Partnerships are an essential part of our growth.
I mentioned before, We are a nerds-based community. Hey, I see myself as a nerd and my son is also proud to follow the nerd lifestyle.

But in all seriousness, we are currently a very savvy community, we aim to make things as simple as possible so that we can include those less savvy and turn them into savvy customers.
Our clients are from cryptocurrency enthusiasts to gamers.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
What is your strategy regarding attracting more users to your protocol?

Carmelo | Polkacity
Partners and more chains. Partnerships are essential for growth, good partners bring their businesses and communities to Polkacity. The more NFT friendly chains we integrate to Polka City the more users we will have.
There is also Marketing, but that's a separate strategy, I like to focus on organic growth.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Awesome! Let’s talk about the current landscape of other projects doing something similar. What separates you from some of the competitors?

Carmelo | Polkacity
I think the experience. While all of our competitors are more centralized we have a more open decentralized goal. We are setting the landscape for other universes to join and do their own thing. Also, experience, I have never been a fan of pixelated things. If we pay so much for our video cards, let's use them!

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Great. What unique experience does your team bring that puts Polkacity in a position to be successful?

Carmelo | Polkacity
I bring a lot of IT operations experience and lots of time in the Financial Sector, Our Co-founder has a lot of experience in the Banking and Marketing Industry. We are also hiring great people, we just hired an Apple ex-employee. We are hiring an economist to turn him into the first Metaverse economist.
We also have a great community from all over the world that is not afraid of contributing.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
What does success look like for Polkacity? What are the biggest risks and challenges Polkacity will need to overcome to consider the project successful?

Carmelo | Polkacity
Great question,
Well, not the cryptocurrency market.
We are delivering no matter what.
I think our biggest risk is knowledge transfer. We need to make sure that we build the necessary learning tools for our community to really leverage Polka City. And we are growing so fast technically-wise that it is a challenge. Not a challenge we will not overcome, but one that we need to make sure we tackle correctly.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Cool. Can you please elaborate on the goals you are aiming to achieve in 2022?

Carmelo | Polkacity
2022 is the year!
We need to reach the mainstream, have all-out NFTs earning within the game, our current partners integrated and VR capable. as you can see, a lot of work to be done.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
Look forward to seeing that!
As a non-project-related question, which sector of crypto markets excites you the most?

Carmelo | Polkacity
NFTs for sure. ITs what really gives us the chance to blend the metaverse with reality. It allows us to own assets inside and outside the metaverse.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
I pretty much finished on my end, if you’re ready, we will unmute the chat and see if the community has any questions.

Carmelo | Polkacity
oh boy
Do in slow motion LOL

Can I go fishing in Polkacity? 🐳

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to Jake]
Yes, you will.

zafer metin,
🔵 How will we get a share from Tax Collector NFT via POLC? How is the share rate to be taken here determined? Is it determined by the amount of POLC or is it a different operation?

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to zafer metin]
Tax Collector Shares have been set, Owners will get their OWN unique NFT that represents their share, the only way to get a Tax Owner NFT now will be second markets.

Polkacity is one of the first projects that come to mind when metaverse is mentioned, in this sense, I am very confident in myself. But what is the most important innovation that you want to add to the roadmap in the name of development and innovations?

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to Serhat]
Great question, I believe our biggest innovation comes into turning NFTs into real earnings capability, not just something to trade, but an asset in a way of a business, property, or a job.

sheraz butt,
Will it be possible to watch live football matches streams as well?

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to sheraz butt]
that would be a licensing issue there, Owners of businesses that can stream need to make sure of the legal aspects of their streaming.

rara Do,
Polkacity apy is high in Ascendex, where are these coins coming from?

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to rara Do]
When we launched POLC the largest share was locked for APY. We call it the reserve. this is where all APY earnings come from. We estimate as of today about 88–90 weeks of availability.

zafer metin,
Is it possible to exchange POLC ERC20 tokens with BSC Polc tokens? How will we use your bridge service for this? Can we easily exchange assets with the bridge? What is the difference?

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to zafer metin]
You can send NFTs from Ethereum to BSC at the moment and Ethereum POLC from ETH to BSC. In the future, we will enable the way back.

What is the difference between “Polka Lambo” and “Lambo Avent” in the game?

Carmelo | Polkacity
[In reply to Jessy]
They are different vehicles, their features are in the store, can't remember right now, and don't want to leave the chat. 🙂 Check us out at

When we will be able to earn from Polka city ATM?

Carmelo | Polkacity
Polka City ATM will be added to the roadmap. We will have a detailed roadmap of all the assets in the next couple of weeks.

Mary Zheng | AscendEX
It is approaching one hour.
Thank you very much Carmelo for being here today and providing us with insights into Polkacity. Best of luck with the project!

Carmelo | Polkacity
Thank you!
thanks for inviting me to be part of this great community!

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Written by Polkacity

Polka City is a smart contract-based Polkadot, DeFİ, and NFT investment and game platform.

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