Price: 150,000 POLC
Amount: There will only be 5 stadium NFTs for sale
Features: 3125 POLC per week (100% APY). Stadium owners will earn 50% of all live sporting event profits in Polka City Game.
The newly featured Amazix Bugatti car was sold out very quickly, and the new stadium has a higher price ticket, and like all high ticket items, the Stadiums have lucrative perks. The Stadium owners will receive half of all live sporting event profits in the game. The Polkacity already made an agreement with a gaming company to develop the AR&VR game, and the roadmap shows that the game will come out in Q4 of this year, 2021. Once the game comes out, live events such as concerts and sports matches may be organized, and the stadium owners will get a cut of the profit in addition to their weekly POLC rewards.
Barbers shops were all sold out as well, and this shows that the game items are sufficiently liquid.

In addition to vehicles such as taxis, limos, skateboards, and Lamborghini, new business models will arrive in Polkacity to turn it into a moving and living Augmented Reality City that has its own economy that runs on the $POLC token as its fuel.

The possible future High Ticket items may include
- Land
- New businesses
- Houses
- Electric vehicles or normal gas powered cars
- Motorbikes
- Furniture for houses or businesses
- Home-related products
- Watches and jewelry
- Costumes!
- Electronic equipment.
Tell us in the comments which items you would like to see in the Polkacity. It is possible that the Polkacity game may include houses, furniture to decorate the houses, decorative items, pets such as dogs and cats, even some exotic animals. It is possible that these can all be owned as an Augmented Reality NFTs and freely traded in the marketplace. There is also a possibility that merchant accounts and guilds can be formed in the game to sell items in their shops for different prices. For example, guild A can open up a shop for item trading and the general public may prefer to shop there for prestige points, for brands, or for cheaper prices. Everyday items may be put on sale as well. It is possible costumes and pets may be used for avatars in the game, and daily tasks may help users earn tokens.
Considering the volume on OpenSea reached 550 ETH in a month, marketplace by the platform, and then the merchants by the users can be highly liquid.
An open economy in the city = Sky is the limit!

Useful Links
Website: https://www.polkacity.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolkaCity
Telegram: https://t.me/Polkacity
Medium: https://polkacity.medium.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/polkacity/
Github: https://github.com/POLKACITY
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/polkacity/
NFT sales: https://www.polkacity.io/polka-city-new-asset-marketplace
Opensea NFT trading: https://opensea.io/assets/polka-city-asset
Gate.io: https://www.gate.io/trade/POLC_USDT
Bilaxy https://bilaxy.com/trade/POLC_ETH
Coinbase Charts: https://www.coinbase.com/price/polka-city
DEXTOOLS https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xb5bd39fc0c57d902271ba6c5cd89c1510a37c0dd
UNISWAP https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xaa8330fb2b4d5d07abfe7a72262752a8505c6b37
Disclaimer: This article includes some forward-looking statements. None of the statements made here are financial advice, always DYOR.