The brand new Polkacity website is live and ready for use. The website address is similar but everything else is brand new. This is a new platform that encompasses more for our users.
The landing page has a nice video in the background and we believe this flashy yet classy background will provide a serene feeling to our website visitors. We have two sets of tabs on the home page, including exchanges, marketplace, bridge, and buy assets. The second set has a platform, roadmap, tokenomics, audits, and how-to videos. We are especially proud of the new how-to videos section as new users can simply watch these videos and repeat what is done to purchase assets, sell NFTs, trade, and all the other activities shown. You can alternatively read this article if you are completely new, or read this article if you wish to stake your NFT. Next up, we will have a new Medium article for the new staking method which has more advantages for our users. Connecting with metamask is done only once, and you won't have to copy and paste your address to the website, you can just change your address in your metamask to see your assets.
The exchanges tab connects and shows all the exchanges POLC token is traded. You can see the price, volume, total supply, and all the markets. The marketplace tab lets you sell your NFTs to other users. The bridge lets you move your assets and tokens among chains. This will start off one way, and then expand to different chains and directions. Crosschain and interoperability are needed and Polkacity is no exception, we will work hard so that you can have your NFTs in your favorite chain. The first four planned are Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Kusama, and of course, Polkadot.
Once you go to the marketplace, more options such as the My Assets page open up. My assets page shows your investment in terms of POLC, your total earnings, your unclaimed tokens, and your reward weeks. The reward weeks is the total number of weeks you received rewards. The website needs to connect to metamask only once and it will show these values every time you visit the website as long as metamask is working on your browser. You can switch addresses on metamask and it will show the values for the new address. It also shows your assets earning POLC, and your NFT rewards, whatever you have in your wallet. If you have a Disco and two Lambos from staking, it will show all three NFTs and give you information on earnings, price purchased, date purchased, and your NFT serial along with its image. Serial may be important in NFTs as people tend to value early collectibles more. For example, it is possible that an NFT with a serial 1 or 11 can be more valuable than an NFT with a serial of 80. The same is sometimes true for the end of the series, as in the last number in an NFT series. These values will all be forming based on the free market and collectible economics in addition to APY values and in-game use of NFTs.
In addition to how-to videos, we have a new Frequently Asked Questions section and we plan to update this as we update the Polkacity platform and game. Along with how-to videos, we believe that our website alone will be sufficient for our users to come in and do what they wish to do, without asking in our Telegram. If they want to chat and directly ask there, they are free to do so at any time. Sometimes a good chat feels good and humans, no matter how decentralized, want to socialize with their peers. We want our users to join and chat with us and other users in Telegram, Reddit, Twitter, and all other social channels.
Audits took a large effort as Certik is a busy company and took them some time to get to our Solidity code. All our smart contracts were audited and passed with flying colors. This gives us further trust towards working for our users, having fun, and earning passive income. The game will be online towards the end of 2021 and we believe the game will increase the social aspects of the Polkacity platform.
Useful Links
NFT sales:
Opensea NFT trading:
Opensea 3D assets:
Bidesk :
Coinbase Charts:
Disclaimer: This article includes some forward-looking statements, none of which are financial advice. Always DYOR.