We have been building Polkacity Game at a swift pace. The game will be polished and published this year, and the Polkacity NFTs will be functional within the game. This article outlines the unofficial, informal NFT Guide for the game at this juncture. The official Guide will be released when the game launches. Game mechanics may change before launch, they may be enhanced and features added or modified to enhance and plug all assets into a chained economy.
At Polkacity, we have a large collection of NFTs and have been explaining some of them with articles. A lot of expensive NFTs such as shopping centers, hotels, gas stations, restaurants, discos, car rentals, car repair, and hot dog stands were produced and sold. That is one of the reasons Polkacity market cap is deceptively low. Most of the Polkacity value is locked in the NFTs and never in circulation, although they are counted as tokens in circulation. This article is a more comprehensive guide for the NFT mechanics and how they will be used in the game.
TAX Collector

HOLD your weekly payouts until game release and earn your share from 25% of all Polka City New Asset Sales. The more you hold the larger your share. This is the new staking reward and here is the detailed article on the tax collector NFT.
PolkaCity AI

- 200 POLCS per week (192% APY)
- Fully automates 1 NFT mechanics
The AI NFT will provide 200 POLC / week passive income, which is 192% APY at the current price. As the game feature, the NFT/plugin will allow asset owners to automate in-game mechanics. Taxis will drive passengers automatically, Drones will fly passengers automatically and other routines will be carried out for the other NFTs. You will no longer need to be present to make profits within the game, you can now play and automate while you are away from your keyboard. This AI NFT automates the other NFT features so you do not have to be present while making money, turning your NFT into a passive income tool even during the game phase! Check out this article for further information on Polkacity AI.
Polka GYM

1. 750 POLCS per week (130% APY)
2. Host VR Sports Games.
3. Earn 15% of championship fights earnings.
The GYM hosts VR Sports Games, so the GYM NFT owners will get a cut from these VR games. For example, Polka City will host Boxing VR games, where citizens who own VR headsets like the Oculus and Vive will be able to fight each other in VR. Championship fights will pay in POLC, so the winner will earn POLC. Polka GYM owners will earn a 15% cut from the earnings. These games and competitions are expected to start from the 3rd quarter of 2022. Check out this article for further reading.
Polka Jet Pack

- 150 POLCS per week (128% APY)
- Short Distance Flying.
- The jet pack has the highest APY among the four new NFTs launched in this pack. It is also a cool asset, as you can fly with it for short periods of time. We anticipate that the air vehicles will be lots of fun in the game, and cannot wait to see our users enjoy them. Check out this article for more information.
Lambo Avent

- Polka City Prestige
- FREE Entrance to selected VIP Polka City Disco Live events.
This Lambo is the new one that came after the Polkacity Lambos. They have the same function as the old Lambos, but their design is different.
Polka Royce

- 600 POLCS per week (103% APY)
- High-Class Vehicle.
This is a relatively high price vehicle asset, more expensive than the Lamborghini and we are planning to have very good privileges for this car in the game. Polka Royce is a beautiful car and it will make its owners proud. Each asset will have its unique reward, and the rewards will be based on their utility. For example, car dealerships may earn cars they can sell and other businesses will have their own unique utility and money-generating options. Check out this article for more information on Polka Royce.
Classic Polka

1. 105 POLCS per week (90% APY)
2. Personal transportation vehicle
3. Free Cover to Private Events
This is a wonderful looking vehicle, classic American muscle and it will have free cover to various private events and buildings. The game may feature private events for just classic polka holders, while the Lambo is for some public events free cover and VIP entrance. Check out this article for more information on Classic Polka.
Polka Canoe

1. 20 POLCS per week (85% APY)
2. Water Transportation
The canoes are great for entertainment and even for rentals. You can purchase the canoe or stake your NFTs to receive it as a free staking gift. The free option does not devalue the value of the yacht because the canoe is slower compared to the yacht, and you have to row the canoe. However, you can, if you wish, row all the way to the treasure island. We will have more sea-bearing vehicles and they will all have their unique functions and economic incentives. In some role-playing games, people simply visit good-looking places to fish, spend time, stroll in the streets. Check out this article for more information on Canoe.
Polka Chopper

1. 20 POLCS per week (29% APY)
2. Personal Travel Chopper. Get to Treasure Island at any time.
3. AI Capable
This is one of the fastest ways to get to Treasure Island and you can carry other people with a ticket. The chopper is faster than a canoe and a yacht since you have to travel over water.
SPY Drone

1. 10 POLCS per week(58% APY)
2. Spy and surveillance capabilities.
A spy drone is a cool tool and avid Polkacity followers get to experience flying a drone during our routine Treasure Hunt previews. The main game will feature a better Treasure Island and more polished drones. As any strategy game player will know, seeing from a birds-eye view in any game is important and gives you an unfair advantage over other players. We expect the spy drone owners to be aware of the game events, and perhaps announce some things, or work for any possible intelligence-related business such as a private eye or a possible police station that may be in the game down in the line.
Polka Moto

- 70 POLCS per week (226% APY)
- Fastest Land Vehicle.
This is a cheap and fast vehicle that will take you from point A to point B in style. You will be able to cruise in Polka City, go to ports, go to events or simply have fun cruising. It helps your social life as you will be able to join bike races or other vehicle-oriented events.
Polka Drop

Participate in monthly NFT giveaways. Get your ticket now and the chance to win big-ticket items such as the art gallery, which earns you commissions. The price of the ticket is 1000 POLC. There will ever be 1000 Units for sale at https://polkacity.io/polka-treasure
The main feature of the ticket is that you can participate in monthly NFT giveaways and win various Polkacity NFTs. The first reward was the art gallery NFT and now Polkacity lets the users choose their NFTs. Keep following the Polkacity news and publications to know what NFT is rewarded for the month.
Polka Truck

1. Game Beta Tester
2. Zero Marketplace Trading fees.
This is a nice truck you can use to travel and you will get to test the game in Beta! Any gains in the game will be yours before anyone else, simply for having this NFT in your wallet. To top it all off, you pay zero marketplace trading fees.
Art Gallery

- 1041 POLCS per week (27% APY)
- Gallery Owners will earn 50% of all Marketplace and In-Game Art Gallery commissions.
The art gallery will be a place to hang artist NFTs and trade yours as well. We have some artists lined up and they are making excellent quality art exclusively to be used as an NFT in the polkacity. If you are an art lover, you will love the Art Gallery NFT in Polkacity.
Legacy Assets
All Legacy Assets are Sold Out
Polka City Bank

1. Holders earn 25% of all collected Polka City Multichain Bridge fees.
2. Holders earn 25% of all POLC loan fees. (2nd QTR 2022)
The PolkaCity Bank NFT will get a cut from all loan fees, which means that bank owners will benefit from the DeFi activities in Polkacity. They will also earn some of the multi-chain bridge fees. At the moment there are only ETH and BSC, but we expect to bring Polkadot to the ecosystem very soon. It is possible that we will have a second layer system such as Polygon, which will be decided based on market direction.
Polka Billboard

1. 5 POLCS per week(13% APY)
2. Owners earn 25% of all in-Game advertising.
The best aspect of the billboard is the advertising aspect, and billboard owners will receive 25 % of all in-game advertising. This is an interesting aspect, because the game economy will include advertising, and billboard owners will get a cut from that. Check out this article for further reading.
Sports Stadium

- 3125 POLCS per week (55% APY)
- Stadium owners earn 50% of all live sporting event profits in Polka City.
The Stadium owners will receive half of all live sporting event profits in the game. Once the game comes out, live events such as sports matches may be organized, and the stadium owners will get a cut of the profit in addition to their weekly POLC rewards. Check out this article for further reading.
Hotdog Stand

1500 POLCS per week per stand (134% APY) + .00001% per Polka City citizen.
The hot dog stands are a leg up from the vehicles such as Limos, and they have a good weekly income. In the game, they will be used as mobile shops that can travel short distances based on events. There is an event in the stadium? Hot dog stands to the rescue. They will bring any fun supplies or boosters to the game, scalp tickets, and more. Is there a concert or a live stream from a disco? The hot dog stand can move near the disco and sell stuff that is not available in the said disco. Do you have comic books you want to move in secret? Ask the hot dog stand owner to sell them for you. The sky is the limit. Although they are small, hot dog stands can move and that is a nice advantage in any game.
Polka Lambo

- Polka City Prestige
- FREE Entrance to selected VIP Polka City Disco Live events.
Polka Lamborginhis are prestige vehicles and they have free entrance to live streaming events.
Compact Taxi

1. 60 POLCS per week (88% APY) + .00001% per Polka City citizen.
2. AI Capable
The compact taxi is one of our best sellers and they are AI capable. This means that you can have the Polkacity AI to run the taxi on your behalf, just like a trading bot running the trade for you. This will mean that Polkacity gamers will find a taxi any time they wish, regardless of their time zones. This is because the taxi owners will have their AI and their taxis on standby for any customer playing the game any time of the day in any part of the World.
Sedan Taxi

- 135 POLCS per week (79% APY) + .00001% per Polka City citizen.
- AI Capable
Sedan taxi is similar to the compact taxi with higher weekly POLC earnings and will be able to carry more passengers in the game, making a higher income compared to the compact Taxi, provided all the other conditions are the same such as the existence of AI and existence of customers in the area the taxi is making rounds.
Van Taxi

1. 179 POLCS per week (179% APY) + .00001% per Polka City citizen.
2. AI Capable
Van taxi is larger and it is able to carry more customers or more load in the game.
Compact SUV

- 375 POLCS per week per taxi (91% APY) + .00001% per Polka City citizen.
- AI Capable
Compact SUV is the largest yellow taxi, and the step before Limo. It is able to carry more passengers and more load such as suitcases etc. compared to Van Taxi.

1. 937.5 POLCS per week per taxi (126% APY) + .00001% per Polka City citizen.
2. AI Capable
The Limos are luxury taxis, and they can be used to have prestige in events, restaurants, and other venues. They will be more expensive to rent in the game, and the income will be higher per trip. Limos can be used in graduations, parties, and other types of celebrations by a number of people.
Gas Station

8250 POLCS per week (358% APY) + .00001% per Taxi.
The gas station provides the energy for the gas-powered vehicles in the game and they make their money by selling gas to the vehicles. The more vehicles in the game, the more money the gas station earns. Vehicles will start with a free daily full tank. When the tank full of gas runs out, the vehicle needs to purchase gas or wait until the next day.
Electric Station

6500 POLCS per week (323% APY) + .00001% per Taxi.
The electric station is the same as a gas station, except it provides energy for electric-powered vehicles. It can also be used for other things in the game such as providing electricity for electronic tools and other power-hungry NFTs. Vehicles will start with a free daily full charge. When the daily full charge runs out, the vehicle needs to purchase electricity or wait until the next day.
Car Wash

3000 POLCS per week (201% APY) + .00002% per Taxi.
The car wash can be used to wash your car to renew it or change its color for a fee. The car washes will be able to sell other cosmic modifications as well.

10800 POLCS per week (433% APY) + .00005% per citizen.
You can get a hotel room for meetings, or simply have a “home” for your avatar, to put your stuff in. You should be able to customize the room to a degree and keep your possessions in the drawers. We plan to have mini-games such as Poker in the hotel to entertain the guests. The hotel owner will earn from these mini-games as the “house”.

5225 POLCS per week (309% APY) + .00005% per citizen.
The restaurant will be used to get free food (Energy) for your avatar. This will result in restaurants becoming social places where owners will market or sell anything they want. Restaurants will be equipped with tools to add advertising and click-through links. All avatars will need to go there periodically, making the restaurant a popular place to visit, fit for advertising.
Shopping Center

13125 POLCS per week (451% APY) + .00002% per citizen.
The shopping center is a large shopping building for everyone in the game. Users will be able to advertise and sell Amazon products by adding them into the shopping mall and having click referrals.

4500 POLCS per week (266% APY) + .00001% per citizen.
Discos will be used for live or recorded music events. For example, a real bar will be able to broadcast from one of the discos, and organizing an event with some rewards for lucky participants. Disco events will have tickets and the disco owner will benefit from the ticket sales.
Car Rental

2100 POLCS per week (207% APY) + .00001% per citizen.
You will be able to rent your Transportation vehicles for a period of time at the Car Rental. This will give profits to one who rents and rental shop will earn profits from rentals.
Car Repair

3750 POLCS per week (203% APY) + .00001% per citizen.
If you had an accident, or you want to change your car, customize it further, you need to go to the car repair. The car repair owner will earn from the players wishing to change or customize their cars. This is also where you will be able to tune your cars for the vehicle NFT races. The cars may also need changes based on their reputation, such as traffic incidents or other more serious crimes. Law and order may be introduced later in the game.
Taxi Drone

1. 18 POLCS per week (124% APY) + .00001% per citizen.
2. AI Capable
Taxi drone is a taxi, but it is faster and more expensive. You can get wherever you are going faster, and the owner will earn from the taxi fares.
AmaZix Car

1. Free cover to all AmaZix Sponsored in-game events
2. FREE Entrance to selected VIP Polka City Disco Live events.
Check out this article to see the Bugatti being driven in the first draft of Polka City. You can also check out our previous article on this subject and see where this NFT originates.
Polka EBike

4 POLCS per week (70% APY)
This bike is an electric-powered vehicle and you can fill it up in the electric station. It is a light, yet slow vehicle and you can use it cruise in Polkacity. Faster than the skateboard, it is a good way to look around and go to closeby places.

3 POLCS per week (63% APY)
The skateboard does not need any power to fill but it is the slowest vehicle. Players can use the skateboard for skating shows or competitions.
Barber Shop

1. 44 POLCS per week (138% APY)
2. Free Avatar modifications location.
3. People will be able to submit and sell custom modifications here and share profits with barbershop owners.
If you want to change your avatar, you can change it in the barbershop. The changes are not limited to shaving the beard.

1. 29 POLCS per week (37% APY)
2. Earns fees from transporting up to 10 citizens per trip from mainland to treasure island.
3. AI Capable
The best part of owning a yacht in the game is the prestige aspect of it, you have a yacht! In addition, you will earn fees from transporting users from the mainland to the treasure island. Check out this article for further reading.
Vending Machine

1. 1750 POLCS per week (182% APY)
2. Sell in-game supplies, boosters.
This is a static shopping vendor and you can sell various supplies and boosters available any time. As the game will feature races, competitions, and shows, the vending machine can be used to sell various substances, especially for human-to-human competitions such as Boxing VR games.

Polkacity Links
Website: https://polkacity.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolkaCity
Telegram: https://t.me/Polkacity
Medium: https://polkacity.medium.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/polkacity/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PolkaCity
Huobi: https://www.huobi.com/en-us/finance-beta/deposit/polc/
Bitfinex: https://trading.bitfinex.com/t/POLC:USD
Kucoin: https://trade.kucoin.com/trade/POLC-USDT
Gate.io: https://www.gate.io/trade/POLC_USDT
Digifinex: https://www.digifinex.com
Hotbit: https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=POLC_USDT
Bittrex: https://global.bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-POLC
Ascendex.com: https://ascendex.com/en/cashtrade-spottrading/usdt/POLC
BitMart: https://www.bitmart.com/
Github: https://github.com/POLKACITY
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/polkacity
NFT sales: https://www.polkacity.io/polka-city-new-asset-marketplace
Opensea NFT trading: https://opensea.io/assets/polka-city-asset
Opensea 3D assets: https://opensea.io/collection/polka-city-3d-asset
MXC: https://www.mxc.com/trade/pro#POLC_USDT
Coinbase Charts: https://www.coinbase.com/price/polka-city
DEXTOOLS https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xb5bd39fc0c57d902271ba6c5cd89c1510a37c0dd
UNISWAP https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xaa8330fb2b4d5d07abfe7a72262752a8505c6b37
PANCAKE https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x6ae9701b9c423f40d54556c9a443409d79ce170a
Disclaimer: This article includes some forward-looking statements, none of which are financial advice. Always DYOR.